
Monday, October 9, 2017

Finding time to blog

It was recently brought to my attention that my blog was lacking in new posts. I know...I know...I am really slacking on the posting front this year...and it's October!!! 

To be honest, blogging isn't hard- it's just time consuming. How do regular bloggers do it? How do they post something new and relevant every month, or week...or even every day??? Every day!!!

I run a small art business- that keeps me busy. 
I have 2 kids, boys, under 13- keeps me busy.
I volunteer at my kids school PTA, all the time- keeps me so busy.

These are just 3 things- but you know, as everyone has 1000 things they do in a day- I do too. Things I can't list, because it's just stuff that has to get done. It's called life. So, in between all those little life tasks that have to get done I schedule time in to write- or post- or update my website- or take photos of my art, you get it..the list goes on and on. My blog is where it falls short. I always seem to push this to the back hoping that I'll get to it in a day or two. Then I talk to a friend one day and realize it's been 7 months since I posted anything. That's too long. 

I poked around on Google to see what kind of inspiration I could find for lackluster bloggers like myself, and here are a few articles I thought were written with me in mind! 

18 Blogging Tips to Create and Maintain a Successful Blog


How to Maintain a Blog AND a Full-Time Job

This was kind of nice- seeing that other people have to schedule in time, and then stick to it. I think I can sketch out a few ideas while drinking coffee in the am. 

How To Master Your Blog Publishing Frequency

This article brought home the real importance of frequent posts. I don't have oodles of followers, and that's fine. I started this originally to show off my artwork and have a voice about life. I guess the lesson is, if you don't write- how can anyone hear that voice? 


Points all taken. I am going to sit down right now and brainstorm for a new topic to write about. Wish me luck :) and thanks to the article writers above. You've inspired me to work a bit harder! And to my friend who motivated me to look at my blog and gasp at the time jump in posts...thanks :)


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