Friday, April 20, 2012

Gravy from the Garden

Happy Friday!
It is a gloomy day here in South Florida- the clouds are just hanging with grey.  But we need the rain! I have been watering the garden almost every day- as we just planted some new veggies. 



crazy lettuce

 Sweet corn, purple kale, lots of strawberries, cherry tomatoes...and some sunflowers the boys wanted to randomly plant! Should be an interesting next few months!

more crazy lettuce

our lovely tomatoes

sweet corn- so tiny still


 The strawberries are going to have a hard time growing to full size- as my littlest kiddo keeps picking the baby red one's off and popping them in his mouth. We have to work on our patience!

fruits of our labor:
This is some homemade pasta 'gravy'- as I was taught by my very Italian friend, was the only correct way to call that red stuff you slather all over pasta....who knew it wasn't called sauce???
gravy cooking down
So- yes...this is the 'gravy' I made a few nights ago, mostly from our backyard garden! We have some lovely heirloom tomatoes, basil, parsley, oregano...and i added my store bought onions and garlic (I am planning on doing garlic in the box at some point- apparently it's pretty easy to grow) and I made meatballs.  My kids LOVE meatballs.  So I make little Dutch meatballs to make them happy!

finished gravy- yum
 Not to shabby- if I do say so myself! My kiddos are even starting to like a little red pepper flakes mixed in! yea!!! We scarfed this batch down in 1 night and lunch the next day.

We are truly loving the back yard garden experience.



  1. Your garden is wonderful! I was just in Wal-mart looking at those prepped mini potters that you can set on a window sill, etc and wondering if I could do it (or had the time).

  2. Love that you are gardening with your kids! Fellow mom, etsy shop and now fellow backyard gardener! Love to have found you. We are gardening at www. as well!!! :)
