Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Breakfast for Dinner

I was looking in the fridge last night for dinner.  We went out of town for the weekend- and have yet to hit the grocery is my story:

So... what's in the fridge that I can conjure up into a fabulous meal???
Let's see- we have eggs, 7...and goat cheese...some spinach- half a sweet onion...garlic...yes- I see where this is going...and some deli salami...hummmm- can you say frittata??? But I don't want to make a plain boring my kids take one look at a regular size frittata and turn and run- so I am going to make mini' cupcakes but all savory and hearty goodness! How hard can it be???

So- I took my standard recipe- (I mixed together a few recipes that I have tried over the years and kinda made my own favorite) and added hard salami, about 8 deli slices-chopped
half a tomato-chopped
spinach and my 7 eggs...oh and I threw in a little serving of mashed potatoes from the night actually made them fluffy and a little less egg-y, which is good for the kids!

Ok- Sorry- I should probably do the main recipe in full huh...might be helpful!
So we have onions, garlic, salami, spinach, seasonings..add one at a time to skillet and cook accordingly until spinach is cooked! Let cool for a minute. You are going to add this to the eggs in a bit.

Whisk the eggs with tomatoes(and if you have any left over mashed potatoes- I whisked them here with the eggs)...pinch of salt and pepper (one thing I learned watching Top Chef is you can never forget salt/pepper- or Tom Colicchio might bust in a give me a scolding) add the cooked ingredients to the eggs...pour half into a greased muffin tin (I used cooking spray- but if you want to be really naughty you could use butter) then put a blop of goat cheese...or two- depends how much u like the stuff...then top with remaining egg mixture and top off with goat cheese again...we like the stuff!
***I did do a few minus goat cheese- instead added some mozzarella- kids choice***

I tried the oven at 350 for 20 minutes- but they were not browned up total cook time about  30 minutes till brown and scrumptious! Holy Cow- what a great dinner!!! My husband even packed the remaining 3 for lunch today at work! Excellent!!!
(ps- this made 12 cupcake frittatas)

Happy Breakfast for Dinner!!!


  1. those look yummy!!! thanks for sharing. found you via etsy blog team. nice to find you. Pam

    1. thanks Pam! they were gooooood! :) go Etsy!!!
