Sunday, June 10, 2012

Papernstitch spotlight


Luckii Arts has an exhibition this month on the Papernstitch website! Pretty neat to be included with all of those other great artists and artisans! I have just found out that this am the Shop Of The Day too! Excellent!!!
So if you are in the mood to web-shop and see some very nifty stuff...please go take a peek at Paper N Stitch.  I promise you will not be disappointed with the cool stuff on the site!
Happy Sunday everyone! :)


  1. Congratulations! That is wonderful news to get. I just love this little green monster creature. Adorable!

  2. Thanks Cindy! I just found out my address tiles have been made item of the day too! WooHoo!!!
    I bet your art would do well on there! You should check it out!
