Friday, February 22, 2013

Busy as a Bee

I always heard from fellow ETSY sellers that after the first of the year sales dropped off. I was expecting to take a nice vacation.  Play with my 4 year old a bit.  Not be slammed! I have a wait list...a wait list! My Memory Illustrations have hit the scene so to speak, and I cannot keep up! I had to turn away 2 orders this week. That is amazing and sad...because I hate to disappoint and turn people away.  (They needed them asap) boo!

These are the gems that are popular in my shop at the moment! This is a Memory Illustration. I take all things important, fabulous, funny, meaningful  and shape them into a historic illustration of someone's life. I am quite proud of these. The happiness that people seem to have when one is complete is unbeatable! 

This one was big...for a family of 5 too.  Lots of neat stories and memories that made up this young families time together. 

And another.  I love the black and whites...the dark and lights all over the page. 

This was a smaller 8 x 10...done for a couple getting married this year! How neat is that- that I made something they will have from the very start of their marriage...remembering how they came to be! Love it!

Finally- I wanted to share my work space as it sits today.  It actually isn't that crazy. It has been much, MUCH worse! hehehe


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